Thursday, December 16, 2010

Guarantee 'A' in 2 years (terms & conditions apply)

Having difficulty understanding accounting principles? Having headaches about what you are taught in school? Wondering whether or not to drop Prinsip Perakaunan as a subject for your SPM?

Introducing to you SPM Accounts made simple with specially devised techniques created over the years. Accounting principles may seem very difficult to grasp but with a simplified creative approach designed gradually over the years by an experienced tutor who has tutored a variety of students in small groups, many have found that it is not that complicating after all.
Techniques: mind-blowing self-created charts and formulae you have NEVER seen in books

Estimated number of hours to completion of entire SPM Prinsip Perakaunan syllabus: 50 hours (may vary with different individuals)

Difficult to believe?? You must try it out to believe!!!


Contact Victor Chee at 016-2188 214.